AmagerErhverv skaber netværk, events og fordele til Amagers erhvervsliv. Bliv gratis medlem i dag! Vi har medlemdfordele til en værdi af kr.

S5 Image and Content Fader v3

Events, workshops m.v.

Events, workshops og netværksmøder m.m. Husk at tilmelde dig vores nyhedsbrev - så er du altid opdateret.
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SEO - Get your site noticed!

Not only is this template beautifully designed but it is great for search engine optimization as well! What is SEO? It is simple the act of altering a web site so that it does well in the organic, crawler-based listings of search engines such as How does this template accomplish this? It's simple, the majority of your most valuable content is found in the main body of your site, through css we are able to alter the layout of the site and call the main content before the left and right columns are called. This allows for your content to be found first by search engines before it reaches your other content, which is vital in search engine optimization. This is a common feature this can be done with almost all of Shape 5 templates as well.

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