Oplev vækstmuligheder i Tyskland
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Fixed Side Tabs
This template includes a "Fixed Tab" option that you can enable and publish on your site and will show in a fixed position on either the left or right side of the screen. The great feature about the fixed tabs is that you can enter any text you desire and the text is automatically flipped vertically! This is great for search engines to read your text and also saves the hassle of creating an image with vertical text and placing it on the side of your site. The tabs are published site wide and can have the following options that can be changed via the template parameters area and can link to any URL that you desire.
The following is a quick list of features:
Change background to any hex color
Change the border to any hex color
Change the font to any hex color
Set vertical position of each tab
Set the height of each tab
Set each tab to either the left or right of the screen
Add a class to each fixed tab to enable s5 box or perhaps a lightbox or other 3rd party extension
Add a URL to each fixed tab so onclick the URL loads