Oplev vækstmuligheder i Tyskland
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AmagerErhverv arbejder målrettet for at skabe flere ama'rkanske successer for øens virksomheder og iværksættere.
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Contact Popup
The Contact Popup module is a quick way for your visitors to email you. The module is protected by the powerful Google reCaptcha plugin and uses AJAX to error check and send the email. https://www.google.com/recaptcha. Be sure that your server has the mail() php function enabled or the email will not send from the module. The module is located in the bottom lower right of the website.
We recommend publishing to a module position that is near the bottom of your site. For example we have it published to our "bottom_menu" position for this demo.
NOTE: This is not a "live chat" it simply sends an email.
Features at a glance:
AJAX powered
Spam controlled through Google reCaptcha
Set the color and hover color
Set the name, email, message and submit button text
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