AmagerErhverv skaber netværk, events og fordele til Amagers erhvervsliv. Bliv gratis medlem i dag! Vi har medlemdfordele til en værdi af kr.

S5 Image and Content Fader


  • Supports a range of multimedia formats: images, flash, video, mp3s, html!
  • Auto detects formats or you can specify the format
  • Html descriptions
  • Enable/Disable page overlay when multibox pops up (via template parameters)
  • Enable/Disable controls (via template parameters)

Images Example

Image #1. It can support html.
Image #2. It can support html.
Image #3. It can support html.

Separeate Group Images Example

Image #1. It can support html.
Image #2. It can support html.
Image #3. It can support html.

Video Example: Video - CLICK ME
UP: Carl and Ellie

You can use the following video formats: flv, mov, wmv, real and swf. Just insert the URL to the videos in the href of the hyperlink, here is an example of how we did this for a Youtube video:

YouTube Tutorial: Simply right click on a youtube video and copy the embed code, then paste into a text editor and look for the embed src and use that URL in your hyperlink.

MP3 Example:

MP3 example - CLICK ME
mp3 example


iFrame/HTML Example - CLICK ME

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