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S5 Flex Menu
The S5 Drop Down Panel is a slide down panel that can be demo'd at the top of this page. The panel itself contains six module positions. You may publish any module that you wish into these positions. It comes packed with features so be sure to check out the list and screenshot below.

Note - If the responsive layout is enabled the drop down will disable when the screen size reaches 750px so that it does not interfere with the mobile menu bar

  • Customize almost everything! Shadows, borders, gradient, opacity
  • Contains 6 module positions drop_down_1, drop_down_2, drop_down_3, drop_down_4, drop_down_5 and drop_down_6
  • Auto adjust to the height of your content
  • Set your own open and close text
  • Auto collapse if no modules are published to it
  • And many more features!

Screenshot of Drop Down admin in template configuration area:

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